Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Best Prize is a Surprise

Each and every day here in Cambodia is filled with new surprises. The first surprise was very exciting for us and for the girls. That morning we had bought the four bunk beds to go in the house, and later that day we were able to set them up. As each one was assembled, the room looked more and more put together. Once they were all set and ready we had the girls just come in and look. As they walked in their faces lit with joy and excitement. They may not have been told directly, but every one of them knew that they would be sleeping in an actual bed and their own personal house. Simply knowing that they would be granted this gift was enough for me; there was no need for all the thank yous and hugs. As we obtain more and more supplies for the house has become nearer to completion. Yesterday was the frames and the mattresses, and today we put fitted sheets and the pillows on the beds. Taking a step back and seeing the color really lifted me because it went from the dull tin walls and wooden frame to the full beds with their flower sheets and decorative pillows. It was truly a sight to see.

                The relationship between Lavin and I has really exceeded my expectations. Especially the fact that we have only known each other for a week and a half and aren’t interacting 24/7. Every day when we are able to be together, we have an amazing time and can always figure out how to have fun. As we were running around and chasing each other, he stole my camera and put it into his pocket. When he gave it back there was a woven bracelet that wrote “I LOVE YOU”. I ran to give him a hug and said thank you maybe a thousand times. Just the fact that he decided to buy the bracelets for me in the first place was really touching in my eyes and I thought it was truly sweet.

With these kids, I am never seized to be amazed.

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